Camila Tiefensee Ribeiro

Graduate Student

Camila is a PhD student at the McGill University's Integrated Program in Neuroscience, under the co-supervision of Dr. McBride and Dr. Austen Milnerwood. Camila has a master’s degree in Biochemistry and a bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology, both at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) in Brazil. During both undergraduate and graduate research, Camila has studied mechanisms related to neuroimmune signaling involved in Parkinson’s disease. Currently, she is working on the roles of LRRK2 and Vps35 mutations in immune signaling pathways. During her PhD studies she will be looking at multiple functional outputs within primary neurons, microglia and astrocytes in conditions of inflammation to understand cell biology processes, signaling pathways and effects on neuronal function and survival.

Expertise: Parkinsons disease, LRRK2, VPS35, dopaminergic neuron, lysosome, mitochondria